SIT- Comm Cookery Stream

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris lectus orci, elementum non dictum at, mollis euismod nisi. Aliquam efficitur a risus non vehicula. Fusce cursus sodales consectetur.
Morbi sit amet aliquam ex. Curabitur congue scelerisque euismod. Curabitur commodo ex id urna dignissim dapibus. Mauris felis odio, viverra id vehicula ut, molestie eu tortor. Sed molestie ut turpis ac volutpat.


Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
$ 12k or $600 per unit
  • Designed specifically for international students
  • Classroom based training with a work based training component
  • Comes with an Assessor's Guide, Learner Assessment Guide and Mapping Guide
  • All cooking units come with full recipes to allow for clear instruction for learners and assessors to manage their kitchen
  • All stand alone units with workplace industry placement log included
  • Wide range of units and electives are available, please contact for options
  • BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices
    SITHCCC023 Use food preparation equipment
    SITHCCC025 Prepare and present sandwiches
    SITHCCC026 Package prepared foodstuffs
    SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
    SITHCCC028 Prepare appetisers and salads
    SITHCCC029 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
    SITHCCC030 Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
    SITHCCC030 Prepare vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes
    SITHCCC031 Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes
    SITHCCC032 Produce cook-chill and cook-freeze foods
    SITHCCC035 Prepare poultry dishes
    SITHCCC036 Prepare meat dishes
    SITHCCC037 Prepare seafood dishes
    SITHCCC038 Produce and serve food for buffets
    SITHCCC040 Prepare and serve cheese
    SITHCCC041 Produce cakes, pastries and breads
    SITHCCC042 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
    SITHCCC043 Work effectively as a cook (comes with a work placement log)
    SITHKOP009 Clean kitchen premises and equipment
    SITHKOP010 Plan and cost recipes
    SITHPAT016 Produce desserts
    SITXCCS014 Provide service to customers
    SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
    SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
    SITXFSA007 Transport and store food
    SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills
    SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock
    SITXINV007 Purchase goods
    SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices
    SITXWHS006 Identify hazards, assess and control safety risks


Certificate IV in Kitchen Management
$ 16k or $600 per unit
  • Specifically designed for international students
  • Classroom based training with a work based training component
  • Comes with an Assessor's Guide, Learner Assessment Guide and Mapping Guide
  • Highly clustered workplace industry placement log included
  • All cooking units come with full recipes to allow for clear instruction for learners and assessors to manage their kitchen
  • Wide range of units and electives are available, please contact for options
  • SITHCCC023 Use food preparation equipment
    SITHCCC026 Package prepared foodstuffs
    SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
    SITHCCC028 Prepare appetisers and salads
    SITHCCC029 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
    SITHCCC030 Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
    SITHCCC031 Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes
    SITHCCC032 Produce cook-chill and cook-freeze foods
    SITHCCC035 Prepare poultry dishes
    SITHCCC036 Prepare meat dishes
    SITHCCC037 Prepare seafood dishes
    SITHCCC038 Produce and serve food for buffets
    SITHCCC041 Produce cakes, pastries and breads
    SITHCCC042 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
    SITHCCC043 Work effectively as a cook with placement log book
    SITHKOP009 Clean kitchen premises and equipment
    SITHKOP010 Plan and cost recipes
    SITHKOP012 Develop recipes for special dietary requirements
    SITHKOP013 Plan cooking operations
    SITHKOP014 Plan catering for events or functions
    SITHKOP015 Design and cost menus
    SITHPAT016 Produce desserts
    SITXCCS014 Provide service to customers
    SITXCOM010 Manage conflict
    SITXFIN009 Manage finances within a budget
    SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
    SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
    SITXFSA008 Develop and implement a food safety program
    SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills
    SITXHRM008 Roster staff
    SITXHRM009 Lead and manage people
    SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock
    SITXINV007 Purchase goods
    SITXINV008 Control stock
    SITXMGT004 Monitor work operations
    SITXWHS007 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices


Diploma of Hospitality Management
$ 14k or $600 per unit
  • Specifically designed for international students
  • Classroom based training with a work based training component
  • Comes with an Assessor's Guide, Learner Assessment Guide and Mapping Guide
  • Highly clustered workplace industry placement log included
  • Choose any 28 units listed below
  • All cooking units come with full recipes to allow for clear instruction for learners and assessors to manage their kitchen
  • Wide range of units and electives are available, please contact for options
  • SITXCCS015 Enhance customer service experiences
    SITXCCS016 Develop and manage quality customer service practices
    SITXCOM010 Manage conflict
    SITXFIN009 Manage finances within a budget
    SITXFIN010 Prepare and monitor budgets
    SITXGLC002 Identify and manage legal risks and comply with law
    SITXHRM008 Roster staff
    SITXHRM009 Lead and manage people
    SITXMGT004 Monitor work operations
    SITXMGT005 Establish and conduct business relationships
    SITXWHS007 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
    SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
    SITHCCC043* Work effectively as a cook
    SITHKOP013* Plan cooking operations
    SITHCCC023* Use food preparation equipment
    SITHCCC025* Prepare and present sandwiches
    SITHCCC026* Package prepared foodstuffs
    SITHCCC027* Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
    SITHCCC028* Prepare appetisers and salads
    SITHCCC029* Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
    SITHCCC030* Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
    SITHCCC031* Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes
    SITHCCC032* Produce cook-chill and cook-freeze foods
    SITHCCC033* Re-thermalise chilled and frozen foods
    SITHCCC035* Prepare poultry dishes
    SITHCCC036* Prepare meat dishes
    SITHCCC037* Prepare seafood dishes
    SITHCCC038* Produce and serve food for buffets
    SITHCCC040* Prepare and serve cheese
    SITHCCC041* Produce cakes, pastries and breads
    SITHCCC042* Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
    SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
    SITXFSA007* Transport and store food
    SITXFSA008* Develop and implement a food safety program
    SITXINV006* Receive, store and maintain stock
    SITXINV007 Purchase goods
    SITXINV008 Control stock
    SITHPAT011* Produce cakes
    SITHPAT012* Produce specialised cakes
    SITHPAT013* Produce pastries
    SITHPAT014* Produce yeast-based bakery products
    SITHPAT015* Produce petits fours
    SITHPAT016* Produce desserts
    SITHPAT017* Prepare and model marzipan
    BSBTWK501 Lead diversity and inclusion
    SITXHRM010 Recruit, select and induct staff
    SITXWHS006 Identify hazards, assess and control safety risks


Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management
$ 16k or $600 per unit
  • Specifically designed for international students
  • Classroom based training with a work based training component
  • Comes with an Assessor's Guide, Learner Assessment Guide and Mapping Guide
  • Highly clustered workplace industry placement log included
  • Choose any 33 units listed below
  • All cooking units come with full recipes to allow for clear instruction for learners and assessors to manage their kitchen
  • Wide range of units and electives are available, please contact for options

  • BSBFIN601 Manage organisational finances
    BSBOPS601 Develop and implement business plans
    SITXCCS016 Develop and manage quality customer service practices
    SITXFIN009 Manage finances within a budget
    SITXFIN010 Prepare and monitor budgets
    SITXFIN011 Manage physical assets
    SITXGLC002 Identify and manage legal risks and comply with law
    SITXHRM009 Lead and manage people
    SITXHRM010 Recruit, select and induct staff
    SITXHRM012 Monitor staff performance
    SITXMGT004 Monitor work operations
    SITXMGT005 Establish and conduct business relationships
    SITXMPR014 Develop and implement marketing strategies
    SITXWHS008 Establish and maintain a work health and safety system
    SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
    SITHCCC043* Work effectively as a cook
    SITHKOP013* Plan cooking operations
    SITHCCC023* Use food preparation equipment
    SITHCCC025* Prepare and present sandwiches
    SITHCCC026* Package prepared foodstuffs
    SITHCCC027* Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
    SITHCCC028* Prepare appetisers and salads
    SITHCCC029* Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
    SITHCCC030* Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
    SITHCCC031* Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes
    SITHCCC032* Produce cook-chill and cook-freeze foods
    SITHCCC035* Prepare poultry dishes
    SITHCCC036* Prepare meat dishes
    SITHCCC037* Prepare seafood dishes
    SITHCCC038* Produce and serve food for buffets
    SITHCCC041* Produce cakes, pastries and breads
    SITHCCC042* Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
    SITHFAB021 Provide responsible service of alcohol
    SITHFAB025 Prepare and serve espresso coffee
    SITHFAB027* Serve food and beverage
    SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
    SITXFSA007* Transport and store food
    SITXFSA008*Develop and implement a food safety program
    SITXINV006* Receive, store and maintain stock
    SITXINV007 Purchase goods
    SITXINV008 Control stock
    SITHKOP012* Develop recipes for special dietary requirements
    SITHKOP014 Plan catering for events or functions
    SITHPAT011* Produce cakes
    SITHPAT012* Produce specialised cakes
    SITHPAT013* Produce pastries
    SITHPAT014* Produce yeast-based bakery products
    SITHPAT015* Produce petits fours
    SITHPAT016* Produce desserts
    SITHPAT017* Prepare and model marzipan
    BSBTWK501 Lead diversity and inclusion
    SITXHRM008 Roster staff
    SITXWHS006 Identify hazards, assess and control safety risks